Unit 1 (Fill-in-the-blank)
1. Professor Flitwick's office is located on the __th floor of Hogwarts.
2. ______'s wand is 12
inches long.
3. The Fat Lady is found hiding in Argyllshire in the 3rd book, which is a place famous for _____.
4. _________'s nose is talked about a lot in the Harry Potter series and is noted as being long and
5. The Knight Bus is the color _______.
6. Dumbledore's watch has 12 hands and no ________.
7. Lily Potter
is an example of someone whose first name is the name of a ______.
8. The quiz over this unit consisted of __
questions (not including extra credit).
Unit 2 (Short Answer--No Complete Sentences)
9. How many points was the Extra Credit Essay worth?
10. How many sentences did I consider to
be reasonable for a good paragraph/essay?
Unit 3 (True/False--Don't Fix False)
11. The Dark Mark consists of a skull
with a snake coming out of the mouth.
12. Everyone knows the spell to cast the Dark Mark, but only Death Eaters use it.
13. Although
Barty Crouch, Jr. committed many crimes, he was not given the Kiss.
14. Alecto and Amyscus' last name is thought to be
15. Lucius Malfoy was a school governor until he got sacked at the end of the 2nd book.
16. Bellatrix Lestrange
thinks she is Voldemort's favorite.
17. It took 3 Death Eaters to kill Gideon and Fabian Prewett.
18. Remus Lupin was
bitten by Fenrir Greyback as a kid when he was fully transformed and is now a full werewolf.
19. Mr. Ollivander disappeared
from his shop and is thought to have been taken by the Death Eaters.
20. There was only 1 extra credit question on the
Unit 3 quiz.
Extra Credit (Multiple Choice)
1. How many points were the questions
of Lesson 1 worth?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 20
d. There was no homework
in Lesson 1