Hello students, and welcome to Harry Potter
Trivia! All homework will be due on Friday evenings, and the class will be updated on either Friday nights or Saturday
mornings! I am Alex, I'm in Ravenclaw, and my neopets username is alexalexalex234! I also have AIM, Yahoo!, and
MSN (but I'm mainly on AIM)! You can find those screennames on the "Contact Me" page! In Harry Potter Trivia, you
should TRY to attend as many classes as possible, but usually this is very hard (since it's summer) so if you miss one and
want to know what the lesson was, just neomail me and tell me your email if you have one so I can email you the lesson. This
term we will study Oddities and Coincidences, Death Eaters, and maybe some other fun stuff. I am willing to give
25 extra credit points to anyone with great suggestions for my class or who points out a mistake in my teachings. Have a great