Harry Potter Trivia!

Contact Page

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Contact Page

Neomail, Email, AIM, MSN, and YAHOO!

Hello everyone, and welcome to the Harry Potter Trivia Contact page!  If you have questions about homework, any of the links aren't working, any suggestions, you need to mail me my homework, or you just wanna talk, you can neomail me, email me, or IM me. I am usually only on AIM but if you give me one of the other addresses/SNs I will get on that a lot more often!

Neomail - alexalexalex234

AIM - ajelias389
YahooMessenger - rrelias56
MSN Messenger - ajelias_5@hotmail.com

**You will have two weeks to complete your tests so they will be due on Thursday, August 24. O.W.L.s will be posted on Friday, August 25.**